The moment we've all been waiting for happened yesterday... I packed up my life in Chicago into two suitcases and left for Europe! My entire life the past two months has been focused on this move right here. As most of you know, I provided my work with an extended notice regarding my move, but they decided not to honor that. I was let go instead. At that time, I couldn't see it for the blessing it was. Now, more than ever, I can reflect back on the past two and a half months with gratitude.

I was able to allow myself to relax. I was able to give myself the space and time to complete tasks wholeheartedly. Had I still been working, I'm not sure how in the world I would have sold all my furniture, studied for my TEFL pre-exams, spent time with people, or mentally prepared. Its given me time to view certain problems with a new perspective. I make it my mission to always see the positive and be the first to forgive. I find that my heart does better when it let goes of resentment and grudges. Forgiveness is for us, not the other person.

Although I have been working on forgiveness, I have also been focusing on shifting my attitude to be more self-concerned. I am a notorious people pleaser who has sacrificed much of my life to benefit others or seek their approval. My mindset has switched from, "What will people think?" to "What do I think?". What a difference that slight change in thinking can do. Giving power to your own mind and thought process is the most rewarding and liberating thing you can do. 

I am typically very driven by my emotions, which is why I was worried I would want to back out of this at the last minute. That comfort-seeking file in my brain came creeping out. Regardless of my anxiety, I felt so sure of this decision to my core. Don't get me wrong, I wept. I simultaneously felt that comfort file begging me to go back to what I know so intimately. But how would I figure out who I am if I continued to stay in the same environment that made me sick?

We are all sick in some way. We are all wounded. That is the beauty in humanity. Some days, all I have the capacity to do is laugh it off. Most days, I fight tooth and nail to overcome my shortcomings. We'll always be a work in progress, but I cannot express how deeply I believe in personal development. 100% of the reason I am in Europe right now is because I wanted this experience more than I wanted the fear.

I'm in London as we speak for the night, but I'll be flying to Prague tomorrow to start my course work. I'm so excited for this beautiful new adventure to meet inspiring people (mostly my traveling sisters)! Stay tuned for Prague focused posts soon! XO.