I knew and started planning months before I decided to tell my family about my big move to Europe. My family overall is relatively conservative. Not only politically, but in the overall sense of the word. Their reserved nature prevents them for understanding why anyone would want to leave the comfortable hermit shell they've created for themselves. I was the one in my family to challenge their conventionality. Telling them was not met with curiosity, but instead, negativity about the entire experience. They could not really understand why I would want to leave my good paying 9a-5p job, why I didn't want to buy a house in the suburbs, or leave them to do something else.

Already knowing that would be their reaction, I had prepared my response to justify my actions. Of course I felt for their reaction. I knew that most of it was coming out from not wanting me far away. Some of it was from ignorance because they are unaware. I'm sure most people's families would not be exactly jumping for joy (some's might have had a more understanding than mine). For those who are experiencing negativity regarding your decision to move abroad, here's 4 things to remember.

Do Your Research 

Research the places you are going. Don't get me wrong, I am all for spontaneity. However, I think it's important to have some grasp of your overall plan so you feel confident in your decision. Do some reading on the culture, sightseeing, safety precautions, living arrangements, etc. This will also instill confidence in whoever you are telling about your travels. 

Stay Connectable

In the age of iPhones, its extremely easy to stay connected via the internet. I would recommend paying off your phone, so you can have it unlocked for other countries' SIM cards. Have your family and friends download apps that rely on wifi connection such as: WhatsApp, Line, Google Hangouts/Duo, FaceTime. There's so many options! If you have a laptop, that would work best with Skype and staying connected via email to send pictures, too. Ensure them that you will check in throughout your stay. Commit to maybe a message once a day or a few times a week. 

Remember Why You're Doing This

Anyone reading this post has an aspiration to travel. There is a reason behind why you want to go - whether its for a vacation, a longer trip, or to relocate. Its extremely easy to question yourself when you are being bombarded with skepticism. Recognize that their reaction is solely their own; it has nothing to do with you or your decision. It has to do with their own insecurities. Its times like these to do a gut check and remember your motivation behind the move. 

Choose To Remain Positive

 I am a firm believer in the Law of Attraction. What thoughts and energies we put out, is what we will receive. If I believe my trip is going to be lonely and I'm going to fall on my face... guess what. That's probably what is going to happen! Fear is something we must bring with us, but not allow to dictate the decisions. Choosing to remain positive with affirming thought in the midst of fear... that is how beautiful transformations happen. 

Photo by Steven Lewis on Unsplash